Why is XOJO-win-app so big?

I have a small app for windows.
When I build it using Real Studio 2011 R4.3, the executable file is about 5MB.
When I build it using XOJO 2015 R2.3, the executable file is about 25MB.
Why is this file so big?

I have a small app for windows.
When I build it using Real Studio 2011 R4.3, the executable file is about 5MB.
When I build it using XOJO 2015 R2.3, the executable file is about 25MB.
Why is this file so big?

The executable ?

What about the size of the Libs folder ?

There are 3 files in Libs folder:
1/ msvcp120.dll – 455,328
2/ msvcr120.dll – 970,912
3/ XojoGUIFramework32.dll – 24,232,416
The 3rd file is so big!

it contains the ICU libraries for handling unicode text correctly.

I am unsure, but I think the file shrinked in 2015r4… Feedback: help !

A search for ICU, then Unicode leads to nothing. So, bad recall.

So, your applciation is nearly 50MB on disk (exe + libs) ?

Either ICU or WebKit / Chromium?

See this thread:

Because ICU was implemented and part of OSX and Linux, in order to keep compatibility , Xojo bundled the ICU library with the windows build , whether you are handling multiple languages or not, and whether you are using new or old framework.

Some people (not me) take the view that a sudden doubling of the app footprint isn’t an issue
but its a done deal… no matter what , Xojo aren’t going to reverse this or make it optional.
If you want smaller apps, you need to use older versions of Xojo windows.
Luckily , you will probably not lose out on much functionality when using a version from 2011

With average disk sizes today of at least 500 GB, 25 MB is peanuts. On older or smaller configurations, that can indeed be an issue, but as you say, there is very little lost using older versions of Xojo if one does not need 64 bit or the new framework.