Why is the new method name text field now a combo box?

I’m not sure if this change was introduced in 2022R3 or earlier but I don’t like it.

When you create a new method, the field to enter the method name used to be a simple text field but it now seems to be a combo box. Why is this? not only does it mean that the name of the method is indented slightly (which I think looks ugly) but the options in the combo box seem to be a huge list of all existing methods for the class. Why would I want to know this information?

What is the name of a Method with the same name but with a different number of parameters ?

It has been like that for ages, you may be noticing only now.

Usual ready templates like Constructor, Destructor…

Would be great if the user could manage such list adding, removing, enabling, disabling items to make it less crowded.

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Method Overloading is easier…

It has always been a combo box. When you’re subclassing, it shows the methods that can be overloaded and selecting one will auto-populate the parameters for you.