Forgive me, obviously I’m still relatively new to Canvas
painting, but I was building a simple little utility on macOS to help me deal with Icon picture files, and when I ran the app on Windows, the drawing of the picture file in the Canvas came out smaller.
Oddly, on Windows, the code reports the Width
& Height
correctly (same as macOS), but the DPI on Windows says 96 whereas on macOS it it says 72 (as confirmed when I open the same file in photo editing software on both macOS & Windows).
My example is a PNG file, as are most of my Icon files.
The following is the relevant code in the Canvas Paint
Dim x As Int32
Dim y As Int32
Dim w As Int32 = Self.ImageReference.Width
Dim h As Int32 = Self.ImageReference.Height
x = (Me.Width \\ 2) - (w \\ 2)
y = (Me.Height \\ 2) - (h \\ 2)
// position image in center of canvas
g.DrawPicture(Self.ImageReference, x, y)
I originally wrote the app in 2019r2.1, but I went back and made a sample app in 2019r1.1 to see if it was a bug of some kind, but I see the same (expected and unexpected) results in either version (regardless of macOS or Windows).
My sample app can be downloaded here as well as the image you’ll see in the following screenshots.
Note: You can use the “Open…” button to load an image or just drag-and-drop the image to the Canvas.
Tested using Windows 10 Home and macOS High Sierra & Mojave.
Any advice or insight would be appreciated. Thanks.
Edited to add, ScaleFactor on all test machines is 1.0, native screen resolution.