Why does this code generate "The Text Could Not Be Converted" at the .toText?

This is sample code. The real code is getting an unknown number from a UInt32 array.

Var s As String =   Encodings.UTF32.Chr(1604).DefineEncoding(Encodings.UTF32)
System.DebugLog("1604 is " + s)
Var t As Text = s.ToText

Because if the character you are trying to convert is not a valid for Text you will get such an error. There’s a lot of string characters that are NOT text characters.

The values in the array came from hard coded test constants in c code where a custom function called “UCS4Print” is used to display the characters. The c code runs perfectly when compiled at the Mac command line.

I’m trying to convert the c code’s function (punycode en/decode) to Xojo for use in my app. So what do I do now?

Why do you need to use Text? Why not just deploy as string?

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Can you post the C and Xojo code you have so far?

Original C code

struct punycode
const char *name;
size_t inlen;
uint32_t in[100];
const char *out;
int rc;

In reality the test cases go from A to S.

static const struct punycode punycode[] = {
“(A) Arabic (Egyptian)”, 17,
0x0644, 0x064A, 0x0647, 0x0645, 0x0627, 0x0628, 0x062A, 0x0643,
0x0644, 0x0645, 0x0648, 0x0634, 0x0639, 0x0631, 0x0628, 0x064A,
0x061F}, “egbpdaj6bu4bxfgehfvwxn”, IDN2_OK}}

static int debug = 0;
static int error_count = 0;
static int break_on_error = 0;

static void
ucs4print (const uint32_t * str, size_t len)
size_t i;

printf ("\t;; ");
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
printf (“U+%04x “, str[i]);
if ((i + 1) % 4 == 0)
printf (” “);
if ((i + 1) % 8 == 0 && i + 1 < len)
printf (”\n\t;; “);
puts (””);

#include “punycode.h”

main (void)
char *p;
uint32_t *q;
int rc;
size_t i, outlen;

p = (char *) malloc (sizeof (*p) * BUFSIZ);
if (p == NULL)
fail (“malloc() returned NULL\n”);

q = (uint32_t *) malloc (sizeof (*q) * BUFSIZ);
if (q == NULL)
fail (“malloc() returned NULL\n”);

for (i = 0; i < sizeof (punycode) / sizeof (punycode[0]); i++)
if (debug)
printf (“PUNYCODE entry %d: %s\n”, (int) i, punycode[i].name);

  if (debug)
  printf ("in:\n");
  ucs4print (punycode[i].in, punycode[i].inlen);

  outlen = BUFSIZ;
  rc = _idn2_punycode_encode_internal (punycode[i].inlen, punycode[i].in,
				   &outlen, p);
  if (rc != punycode[i].rc)
  fail ("punycode_encode() entry %d failed: %d\n", (int) i, rc);
  if (debug)
    printf ("FATAL\n");

  if (rc == IDN2_OK)
p[outlen] = '\0';

  if (debug && rc == IDN2_OK)
  printf ("computed out: %s\n", p);
  printf ("expected out: %s\n", punycode[i].out);
  else if (debug)
printf ("returned %d expected %d\n", rc, punycode[i].rc);

  if (rc == IDN2_OK)
  if (strlen (punycode[i].out) != strlen (p) ||
      memcmp (punycode[i].out, p, strlen (p)) != 0)
      fail ("punycode() entry %d failed\n", (int) i);
      if (debug)
	printf ("ERROR\n");
  else if (debug)
    printf ("OK\n\n");
  else if (debug)
printf ("OK\n\n");

  if (debug)
  printf ("in: %s\n", punycode[i].out);

  outlen = BUFSIZ;
  rc = _idn2_punycode_decode_internal (strlen (punycode[i].out),
				   punycode[i].out, &outlen, q);
  if (rc != punycode[i].rc)
  fail ("punycode() entry %d failed: %d\n", (int) i, rc);
  if (debug)
    printf ("FATAL\n");

  if (debug && rc == IDN2_OK)
  printf ("computed out:\n");
  ucs4print (q, outlen);
  printf ("expected out:\n");
  ucs4print (punycode[i].in, punycode[i].inlen);
  else if (debug)
printf ("returned %d expected %d\n", rc, punycode[i].rc);

  if (rc == IDN2_OK)
  if (punycode[i].inlen != outlen ||
      memcmp (punycode[i].in, q, outlen) != 0)
      fail ("punycode_decode() entry %d failed\n", (int) i);
      if (debug)
	printf ("ERROR\n");
  else if (debug)
    printf ("OK\n\n");
  else if (debug)
printf ("OK\n\n");

free (q);
free §;

return 0;

My Xojo version
code from test App’s only Windows Open

TestCases.Append(New Punycode_Data(_
"(A) Arabic (Egyptian)", 17, Array(&h0644, _
&h064A, &h0647, &h0645, &h0627, &h0628, _
&h062A, &h0643, &h0644, &h0645, &h0648, _
&h0634, &h0639, &h0631, &h0628, &h064A, _
&h061F), "egbpdaj6bu4bxfgehfvwxn", IDN2_OK))

Code from Window.Activate

Me.Listbox1.Visible = False
For Each v As Punycode_Data In TestCases
Me.Listbox1.Visible = True


For Each v As Punycode_Data In TestCases
  Var textInput As Text = ""
  Var ub As UInteger = data.Input_Data.Ubound
  For ndx As UInteger = 0 To ub
    Var c As Text = Encodings.UTF32.Chr(_
    data.Input_Data(ndx)).ToText ' This is the failing toText
    textInput = textInput + c
  Var enc As Text = Punycode.ToPunycode(textInput)
  Var expected As Boolean = (enc = data.Expected_Output)
  Var dec As Text = Punycode.FromPunycode(enc)
  Var match As Boolean = (dec = textInput)
  LastRowIndex, 2) = Listbox.CellTypes.CheckBox
  LastRowIndex, 4) = Listbox.CellTypes.CheckBox
  LastRowIndex, 0) = textInput
  LastRowIndex, 1) = enc
  LastRowIndex, 3) = dec
  Window1.Listbox1.CellCheckBoxValueAt(Window1.Listbox1.LastRowIndex, 2) = expected
  Window1.Listbox1.CellCheckBoxValueAt(Window1.Listbox1.LastRowIndex, 4) = match

I assume the array you’re attempting to convert is this?

Array(&h0644, _
&h064A, &h0647, &h0645, &h0627, &h0628, _
&h062A, &h0643, &h0644, &h0645, &h0648, _
&h0634, &h0639, &h0631, &h0628, &h064A, _

If so, it looks to me like the array represents character codes, so you just need to convert them to a string, something like this:

var codes() as UInt64 = array(&h0644, _
&h064A, &h0647, &h0645, &h0627, &h0628, _
&h062A, &h0643, &h0644, &h0645, &h0648, _
&h0634, &h0639, &h0631, &h0628, &h064A, _

var chars() as string

for each code as UInt64 in codes
  chars.AddRow String.Chr( code )

var s as string = String.FromArray( chars, "" )

That gives you the string:


Let me add that C is not my forte so I didn’t analyze that code to see if I’m on the right track.

Why use UTF32.Chr()? Try UTF8 instead. And I agree with Kem, why Text instead of String?

The final app needs to run under Desktop, Web, and i(Pad)OS. I THOUGHT I read somewhere that at least one of those platforms does not support String?

I assumed the values were UTF32 because I googled UCS4 and discovered that it had been absorbed into UTF32.

These would appear to be Unicode values, see Unicode/UTF-8-character table - starting from code position 0480.

For instance, 0x0644 is listed there as:

Unicode code point: U+0644
character: ل
UTF-8 (hex.): d9 84

The code you wrote wouldn’t run in iOS anyway, and iOS will support string soon enough.

Yes, for now iOS uses Text but if you visit the Xojo Roadmap page you will find that the #1 on the list is bringing API 2.0 to iOS and, with that, the change to String.

Thanks for the hint. I discovered Text.FromUnicodeCodepoint and used that to create

For Each v As Punycode_Data In TestCases
  Var textInput As Text = ""
  Var ub As UInteger = v.Input_Data.Ubound
  For ndx As UInteger = 0 To ub
        textInput = textInput + Text.FromUnicodeCodepoint(v.Input_Data(ndx))

This code is working for now.