Who resize Picture

This is the code on DeskTop
Who i do same on Web

 if droppicture <> nil then
  g.drawpicture droppicture, 0, 0, 86, 86, 0, 0, droppicture.width, droppicture.height


if droppicture <> nil then
  g.drawpicture droppicture, 0, 0, 139, 86, 0, 0, droppicture.width, droppicture.height

Have you tried it ?

Otherwise, you may want to simply use a WebImageWell instead, which scales the picture automatically.

But from the name “DropPicture” : are you asking how to drop a picture onto the page and not how to display it ?

it should work the same on Web.

Really ?! I don’t see any auto scaling. Pls explain Michel, thanks

You are right. My mistake. I am too accustomed to use RubberViewsWE :wink:

In the web framework, all scaling is done on the client side.

My wildest dream is native autosizing/scaling in Xojo :slight_smile:

Hi Christian
it should work the same on Web

Using canvas or imageview