Where must I place the code to resize a MoviePlayer?

I want to resize (down) a Movie Player to 640 x 480.

I put code after Movie.Open(f): no result.
The code is also ignored if set in .Play / .PlayingStarted.

In .MouseMove: the Movie is resized, but - Man - in MouseMove !

Your advice is welcome.

Movie Player is, as its name suggests, a player only. It does not do resizing or transcoding.

Handbrake is really good at altering videos in any number of ways.

Sorry Ian, but it is posssible to resize a MoviePlayer (the Movie is displayed at a different size than the original).

The answer is in the documentation:

// Resize it “down”

MP_Master.AutoAdjustToMovieSize = False
MP_Master.Width  = 640
MP_Master.Height = 480

AutoAdjustToMovieSize is True by default; setting it to False allow me to resize the displayed movie (to 640 x 480 as I only need a preview).

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Then I misread your request. I thought you wanted to actually resize the movie. Not simply display it at a new size. Obviously you can display at any size, even larger than original. For example you can display full screen.

Resizing the actual video file isn’t possible. It used to be using QuickTime Pro. Which is now gone.