What is Database API?

In the book “Introduction to Programming with Xojo” page 309, I have read about a technique to use database by “database api”, but I can not find any information about this database api, please does any one know what is this database api and where can I find information about it?

here is the quote about database api at page 309

If you find that you’re not a fan of putting all of those SQL queries together, you can also use Xojo’s Database API to insert the record without using SQL. This code is an alternate to the code above (don’t run them both!).

Dim rec As DatabaseRecord
rec = New DatabaseRecord
rec.Column(“name”) = NameField.Text
rec.Column(“email”) = EmailField.Text
MyDatabase.InsertRecord(“addressbook”, rec)
If MyDatabase.Error Then
MsgBox MyDatabase.ErrorMessage
End If

The API in this case is the DatabaseRecord class and InsertRecord method.
Compare that to running INSERT statement with SQLExecute.