What is a big Xojo project? Please weigh in here

A lot of the time it’s over mine too…


If you a measure of “how big” a project is in an abstract sense, try

I use it to estimate software projects, large and small.


@Paul - Hey I probably should be using your app, as I have a serious astro setup.

Thanks to all the developers who answered. Your comments are helpful and interesting.
There are some big projects! I don’t think I’m going to worry about hitting the limits just yet :slight_smile:

Currently 621600 lines of XML code, 85 windows, 16 file export formats, and 17 file import formats, Mac and Windows.


Here are the stats from a desktop project which runs on macOS, Windows and Linux:

  • 121.3 MB binary file
  • a little bit more than 1.2 million lines of code
  • 321 windows
  • 157 container controls
  • 1017 classes
  • 1334 images

The only measure I’m interested is the PITA measure. If the thing takes more than 2 minutes to compile, it’s PITA big enough. Another one is: does it crash due to lack of memory debugging in a 16GB system but a final compiled version still runs ok in a 8GB system? If yes, it probably is PITA big enough too.

When I do not iuse any Plugins, I rename my folder “NO-Plugins”…

That’s not a good advice

A better one is to add notes to the App, notes like “Copyright”, “Dependencies”, etc and say whatever is necessary there. In a “Dependencies Note” you could say “This project needs Xojo 2021 r3.1 and depends on the plugins MBS-bbbb and Einhugur-eeeee” for example.

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That’s your opinion Rick, please don’t state it as a universal fact.

Emile’s way means that you know before you open the IDE what plug-ins the project needs, whereas yours means that you have to launch the IDE, open the project and then maybe find out that you need to quit the IDE, add or remove plugins and then re-open everything.


Sure it is. As yours.

The advantage of my opined method is that the important building annotation will be carried with the project helping people to understand the necessary dependencies and succeed building it, while a folder name where it was originated in the past will be lost and it is not really a good place to list dependencies according to “people that share my vision”.

I see. Well, it also can be solved using some external documentation files, part of the set of the project, carrying such important infos like: readme.txt, plugins.txt, dependencies.txt, etc.

A shared opinion that I agree, and I’m just echoing.

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this thread WAS interresting while it was ON TOPIC…


How to get these numbers (nr of lines, classes, windows, …)?

And that’s even a palindrome :wink:


I would hope so. Looking underfoot rather than overhead would hardly be astronomy.

We wrote our own tool to scan a xojo project in text format to get numbers of a project. We used the numbers to get a first idea of a new project which was similar to a project we have done in the past back in the time when we did custom development within a workflow management system. The created web apps for that system were somehow very similar. But we use it nowadays for project analysis.

You can open a project folder and all items will be scanned and the result is shown in the upper left area. The number of lines with source code include empty lines as this was not interesting for us.

In the area beneath the project numbers you could do some estimates when you enter the lines of code and the number of employees involved. The calculation is based on our experience. In the right area you can adjust the expected environment of the solution which has an effect on the effort in workdays. The effort is divided into design, coding, testing, documentation and overhead.

If someone is interested I can post it ‘as is’ without any warranty.

In the screenshot you see the numbers of our biggest project…


I am interested in your tool.

I am also interested in your solution

aloso interrested :slight_smile:

We are not talking about the same thing.

If your current project does not use any plugin, why letting Xojo loading what is inside the plugins folder ?

Of course, if you forget you’ve done that, you may be in trouble.

OR: thow away your low RAM computer and get another with much more RAM, if such computer exists/you do not already have the computer with max RAM. (and yes, this needs money).

BTW: Dan does not talk about RAM in its original question, but about Xojo capacities (that can be impacted by the available RAM and Mass Storage).

Nota: since 1998 (REALbasic 1.0), I NEVER used any plugin. But this is me, YMMV.