Weird remote debugging issue

I’m trying to remote debug my app (Xojo 2015r2.2) from Mac OS 10.30.3. The remote debugger is on the windows side (windows 7 via parallels). I set a break point at the first line of the App.Open event. Now when I remote debug, what I see on the windows side is this:

before (!) I reach the break point. On the mac side it still says: Launching Application…

This doesn’t happen with the actual windows build, just with the remote debugger. The displayed window is not mine, so I guess something in the remote debugger app raised the noe. Has any of you guys seen that? Any known remedies? It does work with other projects…

It’s totally obvious that Xojo can’t work with 10.30.3 .

Have you tried with another VM? Have you tried with a minimal new application?

As I said, It does work with other projects…

Solved it. It turned out that my project used a picture name “pic_left_badge14*28.png” on disk. Apparently the remote debugger didn’t like the name and decided to raise a NOE (don’t think older versions of the remote debugger (oder than 2.0.1) did that). Renaming the picture cured it. Had to install Xojo on the windows side to get behind it. The interesting twist about it is that the Xojo debugger doesn’t complain about the name when it loads and compiles the project, but raises an NOE only when it tries to access the picture. The remote debugger behaves differently in this respect. Fun way to spend an afternoon…

The asterisk is an invalid character on Windows, so I’m not surprised this didn’t work. That said, it’s the fact that resources dragged to your project are now written to the Resources directory which caused the problem, not the debugger stub itself.

Given that Resources are now stored on the filesystem for Win32 builds, this seems like the Framework needs to have some error-handling, such as throwing a “ResourceNotFound” exception or something. Also, on the IDE side it should probably do something about invalid filenames as well on the build side?