WebPopupMenu background not readable

with 2022r4 I find the background selected row not very visible
shouldn’t be the text reversed in white ?
it can be worse with some other -darker- bootstrap profiles …
Capture d’écran 2022-12-15 à 12.02.38

edit: it was the same in 2022r32 but the item wasn’t selected by default when you clic on the popupmenu. 2022r4 corrected this.

seems the dropdown-item has a color brought by xojo framework (?)
if I uncheck it, I get a white color back.
Capture d’écran 2022-12-15 à 12.25.55
Capture d’écran 2022-12-15 à 12.26.06
Capture d’écran 2022-12-15 à 12.26.13


Do you have an Issues case?

not already
I wanted to have some others opinion on this.
and if any workaround ?
tried to store some css in the app html header with no luck.
seems this rgb color is always there …

the example project is as simple as moving a webpopupmenu in a webpage on a new project…

I’m sorry I can’t help you right now, just an idea, have you tried adding

.dropdown-item.active { color: #fff !important; } 

to the App HTML Header?


If we’re circling back into using !important to fix all of our CSS problems, we have a HUGE issue @Ricardo_Cruz . This is not the first time I’ve seen the suggestion recently, and it’s a slippery slope back to the hellhole that is/was Web 1 !important overrides.


thanks @AlbertoD this workaround is doing it.
but as @Tim_Parnell said, using !important everywhere is not a solution…
calling @Ricardo_Cruz ?
Capture d’écran 2022-12-15 à 16.35.05

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To elaborate (because I’m not just trying to be an alarmist), inline styles and the use of !important overrides mean we cannot use the Bootstrap theming features advertised by Xojo.

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Please create a ticket, it’s the faster way to get all these things fixed. :pray:t2:



@Tim_Parnell I think this Issue is relevant, to avoid having to use this kind of workaround: #69573

Thank you!

Just to be clear:

  • Jean-Yves asked for a workaround
  • Xojo has a bug that sends element.style that overrides the bootstrap class
  • I mentioned opening an Issues case

My suggestion is only a temporal workaround until Xojo fixes the bug. I’m sure it will be fixed for next release.

I’m not trying to promote workarounds without the corresponding Issues report.

I hope the information provided helps until the bug is fixed.



Oh definitely, I love your help <3

But with how Xojo handles things lately, workarounds turn into permanent solutions and staff members don’t fully weigh out the repercussions of their decisions before making changes to the framework. It’s getting a bit tiresome to have to fix so many things after updates and I’m on my last ditch effort here of “warn before things become a problem”.

I’m on the edge of the cliff though. I just can’t take how directionless things have become.