WebListBox.SearchCriteria Problems

Hi everybody,

I’ve run into a problem where attempting to use the WebListBox.SearchCriteria appears to throw an exception, but no info about the problem is appearing in the debugger. Here is a link to a sample project, and a screencast which demonstrates the problem:

Example Project: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ral0y1ls7m9vta8srouhj/SearchListbox.xojo_binary_project?rlkey=3zsgf0fuqadvpl9t6bs87a826&dl=0

Video Demonstration:

Any ideas?


That’s a bug in the framework. You should report it.

BTW I would use the pressed event of the searchfield.

I ran into such bizarre exceptions with webapps, and it was almost always some strings that were not UTF8 that were sent to the browser with some xojo framework methods.

For anyone following along at home, I’ve filed a bug: https://tracker.xojo.com/xojoinc/xojo/-/issues/73469

So the pause in the debugger is a caught exception that is not wrapped properly in the Xojo web framework code. The fact that you can hit Run and the project seems to continue without exiting probably means that the exception handler just Returns from whatever function that is without finishing the remaining code path.

So yes, it’s a framework bug.

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Thank you for the feedback, everyone! Hopefully this is one that can be fixed relatively quickly.