WebLink: Vertical Alignment | Xojo 2024r4.x

It seems that the vertical alignment of WebLink’s is unexpected/wrong in Xojo 2024r4.x.

A WebLabel and a WebLink are no longer being displayed on the same vertical position (which used to display fine and as expected before).
This obviously disturbes quite some layouts of Web Applications :wink:

As the vertical position has been the same in earlier Xojo Versions, and as it displays as expected in the Xojo IDE editor I very much assume this has to be considered a bug.

Example and ScreenShots: Issue 78310

Meanwhile… Does anyone know of a workaround (e.g. with some JavaScript magic) that works for Xojo 2024r4.x?

Workaround: Why not using a WebButton with Link style?

Add to App - HTML Header

.XojoLink {
  align-items: center;