WebContainer Vertical Scroll causes WebPopupMenu Scrolling Bug

It must be my year for finding Web 2.0 bugs. I just filed another feedback case “68601 - WebContainer Vertical Scroll causes WebPopupMenu Scrolling Bug” and I’m looking for a workaround.

Use Case: When there is a requirement for other container controls and other controls on a web page to always remain visible at the top of the page and you set a very tall container control below those controls for vertical scrolling, a WebPopupMenu within that container with many rows will never scroll to the bottom rows of the WebPopupMenu.

Although I didn’t include it in the feedback case, if I refer back to Web 1.0 behavior the WebPopupMenu would limit it’s size so it would never extend below the viewable page/container limits so it occurred to me there might be some way to limit the popup menu height with a web style that I’m unaware of so I’m posting this here in case any of the web style gurus here on the forum might be able to devise a workaround.

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I think the problem here is the max-height calculation for the WebPopupMenu

In your sample the max-height value is changed according to the page size and not the parent size.

A simpler program will be to:

  • create a new WebProject
  • add a WebRectangle
  • put a WebPopupMenu with many rows


I can’t select 1-7 or 78-100.

We need the max-height be calculated using the parent height and not the webpage.


In your sample project you can add Shown and Resized events to CC_Bottom1 and put this code:

//change 300px to what you want
ExecuteJavaScript("$('#" + CC_Bottom1.PopupMenu1.ControlID + "_menu').css('max-height','300px');")

Note: you should try to use a height that will always be less than CC_Bottom1 height (you can limit the page min size for example)


Albert thank you so much for this. It works perfectly. You are a definitely a Guru in my book!

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