A short nap and I can think again a bit clearer and I saw what I overlooked, yAxes is an Array, sigh!
So I got a customized lable done, and I get set the yAxes to a min, max and stepSize.
The Code in the OverrideOptions Event looks now like this:
var injectionTitleChild as new jsonItem
var injectionTitle as new jsonItem
injectionTitleChild.value("display") = true
injectionTitleChild.value("text") = "myExample"
injectionTitleChild.value("fontSize") = 20
injectionTitleChild.value("fontColor") = "#0096ff"
options.value("title") = injectionTitleChild
var injectionValue as new jsonItem
var injectionTicks as new jsonItem
var injectionyAxes as new jsonItem
var injectionScales as new jsonItem
injectionValue.value("min") = 0
injectionValue.value("max") = 100
injectionValue.value("stepSize") = 10
injectionTicks.value("ticks") = injectionValue
injectionyAxes.add injectionTicks
injectionScales.value("yAxes") = injectionyAxes
options.value("scales") = injectionScales
This can be kind of a workaround for my particular requirement, as enforcing the percentage yScale to go from 0 to 100 will overrule the doubles with decimal delimiter when the values are very clode and chartjs is “deciding” with scale to use best.
Now off to inject some Callbacks. I’m optimistic that I will be able to inject the callback, but nor sure yet how to make my own JavaScript available to DOM.