Just wondering if anyone has had experience opening up a camera on a users device and recording live video for later server side use? I have a customer needing this and a web app would be ideal. Also need to capture other user inputted data while recording so can’t just use a camera app and upload the file. I was looking at something like this: https://api.video/blog/video-trends/the-web-apis-of-record-a-video
Not sure how I’d go embedding in a xojo web app though. Any thoughts?
I am looking into this also, but not in a hurry currently. One of the options that can be considered is :
and some extension for it for video recording / etc:
Both are open sourced. Perhaps someone can make a Web Sdk control for it.
For now the closest that you get would be Anthony’s GrafittiCamera from Grafitti Web Suite.
I’ll check these ones out but will probably need some support as WebSDK is a little out of my comfort zone for now. Anthony’s camera is fantastic but doesn’t allow recording unfortunately.