Hi to all
What can I do so that I can open a project opened in version 2022 in version 2021R3.1?
You shouldn’t need to do anything. Unless you’ve added something an older IDE won’t support you can suppress the “saved in a newer version” message. Are you having problems?
Saving in text format will allow you to manipulate your project if necessary.
First, open the project. You will get a warning message that you can lose several things within the project.
Continue and reply that you want to open it at your own risk.
When you load the project, run it for review.
I’ve done it several times, as long as you don’t use new functions. I always do my copy backup before I do this.
If I only want to observe, I open it until I close the project and DO NOT save anything.
The message that is displayed when opening in 2021R3.1 is scary but first backup, then open and dismiss the warning, I’ve had no problems doing so.
There is no message for me and xojo just gets stuck, there must be a restart, there is no other way to quit.
After a web application is generated for the Linux X86-32 bit, the application normally starts in the Apllikations ready state. When accessed via Web Address Segmentation Fault (CoreDumped).
Version 2021 / 3.1 did not have these problems