Web ListBox: ColumnCount not visible in layout editor


I started today to evaluate Xojo (2020r2) for Web apps. Starting with the first easy tutorial " Learn the Basics: Xojo Web Tutorial" (https://www.xojo.com/docs/tutorial/web/)

I’m stucked with a strange behavior at the following section: “You want to change the column headers to describe the data in the list. Click the “Set Default Value of TaskList…” button on the Layout Editor toolbar. This opens the Value Editor popout window.”

In the layout editor I use a ListBox, and in the inspector I changed the “Column Count” value to 2, but nothing happens in the layout editor (I don’t see the two columns). Where may I find the “Set Default Value of TaskList (ListBox) …” button?

Thanks in advance.

I’ve found the “solution” in another post in this forum: it’s a bug. If you save your project as text project and not as binary project the bug does not appear. You may save your project as text project, as soon as you have a licensed product.

I don*t have one, therefor I can save a project in binary format only :frowning:

Is it possible to close this post?

At this point in time you don’t see a change in the layout editor. I believe the complexities of implementing Bootstrap themes into the layout editor are taking some time to sort out. If you change the value & run the project you should see the number of columns you’ve specified.

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