Web Edition Picture.open is NIL

The follow code works fine in a desktop apps, but in a WE app, p1 is a NIL, is this a bug?
Anyone know how can I load a picture into p1 on WE without getting a nil.

dim fi as FolderItem
fi = GetFolderItem("…location of my file… /phototest.tif") // This works I get a file which exists
dim p1 as new Picture (200,200,32) // this makes p1 a picture
p1= picture.open(fi) // P1 becomes a NIL, however on a desktop app its fine?

maybe web edition can’t read tiff?
Better try with plugin.

How did you solve it ? Now I also have this problem.

Indeed, Mac cannot read Tiff. I did use MBS plugins to read Tiff in WaterMarker+.

@Michel Bujardet Can you tell me more details?