Web Architecture Questions

1– My understanding is that Xojo web applications are mostly server side apps with basically the client acting as a remote for a server side instance. Correct?

2– Since most of the work takes place server side, what’s the difference between using session variables or a global variable. Don’t they both use the same amount of server memory?

3– Let’s say one of the web pages in my web app was purely informational, containing text and some stats. Would the server memory required for this web page be multiplied by the number of concurrent users? Or is Xojo smart enough to not duplicate resources when not necessary?

PS: Been using LiveCode these past few years. Looks like they’re falling way behind. (In MANY ways.) Glad to have found Xojo and looking forward to making the transition.

In terms of data and code that you write in Xojo, that’s correct. [quote=390103:@paul townsend]2– Since most of the work takes place server side, what’s the difference between using session variables or a global variable. Don’t they both use the same amount of server memory?[/quote]
Memory yes. Access no. Global variables are accessible by every session at the same time whereas Session variables are unique per session.

It’s not… there’s no way for the framework to know that a page will be identical.