Web Apps Examples

Very nice Lars !!! which font you used ?

The systemfont

Lars, love the way it looks! And its lighting fast :slight_smile:

By the way, I am just in the process of spending some more days on the development of my lighting fixture tracking tool, the released version is still available as demo at http://lightingapps.de:8080, however, there is a dev preview of what I am working on at http://lightingapps.de:8081

User and Password are:
admin / pw

Thanks, Dennis!

How do you do the rightmouseclick event on Click on a menubutton? It also works on touch-devices.

Hi Lars,
could you explain me what kind of technique you used for the left bar menù ?

Actually I am not doing anything special with the MenuButtons, I just used the WebToolbar Example as a starting point - and the only events I have implemented are “ButtonAction” for single buttons, “MenuAction” for the Menus and MenuButtons and “Open” (which actually populates the Menus and assigns them to the buttons. The Menus which are shared over different sites do get populated with from a function to only have one place to edit things that are displayed, also their Clicks are passed onto a function which is then doing the appropriate option based on what has been clicked - also to simplify the process of changing what happens onClicks for the shared MenuButtons… :slight_smile:

Nice app Denis, http://lightingapps.de:8081, can you please tell me how you managed to get rid of app.cgi ? i tried all the ways and it doesn’t work. it works only if i put site/app.cgi

Thanks .

[quote=55004:@Aurelian Negrea]Nice app Denis, http://lightingapps.de:8081, can you please tell me how you managed to get rid of app.cgi ? i tried all the ways and it doesn’t work. it works only if i put site/app.cgi

Thanks .[/quote]

I believe he’s using it as a standalone rather than a cgi build. So he has to use the port number in order to reference the app.

Hi there to all XOJO Developers
i am newbie with this programming language i would like to ask if has out there one or two developers to create one website for other developers to add there ideas made with XOJO for me and other new Developers to learn from you

i appreciate to all Developers of XOJO if this is possible create one site and add source codes for others to learn from

thank you for reading

Have you looked at the many examples that already come with Xojo?

BTW, it seems like you do not check user-input for apostrophes ( ’ ), so one cannot save it .

you could use something like this:

Function SafeSQL(Extends TempString As String) As String Return = ReplaceAll(TempString, "'", "''") End Function

rs=db.SQLSelect(“SELECT * FROM protocols WHERE protocolname LIKE '” + pname.SafeSQL + “%'”)

Or, better, use prepared statements.

But if you use direct SQL, then you should try to do something against SQL Injections. You could disallow certain keywords in user input and remove them from the input. You could add such statements to the above function:

// Beware of angry employees ... TempString = ReplaceAll(TempString, "DROP ", "") TempString = ReplaceAll(TempString, "DELETE ", "") TempString = ReplaceAll(TempString, "CREATE ", "") TempString = ReplaceAll(TempString, "SELECT ", "") TempString = ReplaceAll(TempString, "UPDATE ", "") TempString = ReplaceAll(TempString, "INSERT ", "") TempString = ReplaceAll(TempString, "=", " ") TempString = ReplaceAll(TempString, "<", " ") TempString = ReplaceAll(TempString, ">", " ") TempString = ReplaceAll(TempString, "|", " ") TempString = ReplaceAll(TempString, " AND ", "") TempString = ReplaceAll(TempString, " OR ", "") TempString = ReplaceAll(TempString, " NOT ", "") TempString = ReplaceAll(TempString, " IS TRUE ", "") TempString = ReplaceAll(TempString, " IS FALSE ", "") TempString = ReplaceAll(TempString, " EQUALS ", "") TempString = ReplaceAll(TempString, " SIMILAR ", "") TempString = ReplaceAll(TempString, " LIKE ", "") TempString = ReplaceAll(TempString, " EXISTS ", "") TempString = ReplaceAll(TempString, "EXECUTE ", "''") // … and more

Could you give some more ‘normal’ 's XOJO Web app example?