Web-App dont run

hi (XOJO 2015 r2.2),
[Windows 7]

I have a very small test-App.
What is the cause, if the WEP app (no more) starts.

In the Message window is this;

  • Process Started. Process ID is 2036.
  • Zugriff verweigert (access denied)
  • Process Completed.

And the web app is no longer running in the browser, it was canceld.


Does any of the code fire at all?

Or does it simply fail to launch?

[quote=200407:@wolf Bauer]hi (XOJO 2015 r2.2),
[Windows 7]

I have a very small test-App.
What is the cause, if the WEP app (no more) starts.

In the Message window is this;

  • Process Started. Process ID is 2036.
  • Zugriff verweigert (access denied)
  • Process Completed.

And the web app is no longer running in the browser, it was canceld.

This happens during debug run or with a built app ?

is it within debugger, stand-alone, cgi?


thanks for the answer.

There was no effect in the browser.
The browser didn’t open for the Web-App
Addditional there was a small message in the IDE:
“The application being debugged has no connection to the IDE”
What is this meaning?

“Does any of the code fire at all?”
nothing is done.

“is it within debugger, stand-alone, cgi?”
it runs in the debugger

[quote=200515:@wolf Bauer]“The application being debugged has no connection to the IDE”
What is this meaning?[/quote]

Your firewall maybe interfering with the debug hook.

I disable the firewall. No happens

Which version of Windows and Xojo ? I would try to remove Xojo and reinstall.

(XOJO 2015 r2.2),
[Windows 7]

I have now reinstall it. : No happens again.

Maybe my computer was not errorfree ?

What is the meaning of “access denied” in the context of the messages?

In the Message window is this;

Process Started. Process ID is 2036.
Zugriff verweigert (access denied)
Process Completed.

What OS are you debugging on?

When it was working, were you using an earlier IDE?

WIN 7 Pro SP 1 64bit

It working at first with the same IDE (XOJO 2015 r2.2),
But if I called some Web-Examples from xojo, no more function was.

is it possible you have something else running on the same port as the debug port?
is it 8080?

netstat -b

should show you the ports that are in use, and the process that is using it.

I had a similar issue caused by the antivirus software. (Avast, Avira, BitDefender and a few others I can,t recall right now cause the issue. I have had better success with NOD32) Try disabling (completely!) your AV before doing a test run. If that works, then you will need to figure out what configuration needs to be done to the AV in order to allow XOJO debug builds to run nicely.

@ Russ Lunn
Nobody uses the Port 8080

I try again to stop the antivir - software…