Watch Out: Xojo Might Not Ask To Save Your Changes

Just a note to stop anyone else being bit by this bug that caused me to lose work.

If you have 2 workspaces open and your current workspace isn’t dirty, Xojo won’t ask to save your work on exit even if you made changes in your other workspaces.


see it…

thanks for pointing out!

Stupid question:

How do you know if your project is dirty or not ?

you just open a project and make a change, on the code or moving around a control…

Since Xojo introduction two years ago (no, sometimes after Xojo introduction, once I wias able to set my license #), I say that I am feeling insecure with Xojo IDE:

New Event that goes to the window and not to the control,
Code that disappears (but stays in the project and do all sorts of nasty things),
Beeps everywhere,
Out of Focus (usually after a run, I have to click in the Code Editor),
Everything disappears in the Navigation pane (I pasted something in the Filter area),
Control Names that are cleared (some) because I do not issued a Tab or a Return (Enter ?), some keeps the name I gave them…
Differences between the + button (right of the Filter field area) and the Insert Menu…

All of these (and much more) hurts gravely to my productivity :frowning:

And I do not talk about the Encodings that does not works in ListBox that comes back without any change after a night (a hot summer night)…
Both tha stand-alone built last evening and the project now works while they werent yesterday (Text displayed with bad Encoding)…

Oh, sorry. It’s worse than I thought.

Any project that has more than one workspace will fail to ask you to save on quit regardless of what has focus or what edits you’ve been doing.

[quote=198794:@Emile Schwarz]And I do not talk about the Encodings that does not works in ListBox that comes back without any change after a night (a hot summer night)…
Both tha stand-alone built last evening and the project now works while they werent yesterday (Text displayed with bad Encoding)…[/quote]

Could be the system as well. If you have restarted it, that would explain.

In any application, I never rely on automatic saving. I always press CTRL+S which saves whatever is changed.

In this way, you never loose any work.


[quote=198848:@Chris Verberne]In any application, I never rely on automatic saving. I always press CTRL+S which saves whatever is changed.

In this way, you never loose any work.[/quote]

A long, long time ago, I directed the French edition of PC Magazine and one of my journalist loved a now forgotten word processor from Borland called Sprint which had an amazing autosave feature.

Well. until a nasty crash of his PC found a way to ruin the file. In spite of much hacking, the article was dead as a dodo. After retyping the entire article, he started making sure he saved before turning off the machine :wink:

Thanks the gods for the short IDE script that saves before running/compiling. Doesn’t everyone use this?

Actually, Xojo does save the running copy as default at each save, as far as I understand a post from Norman. That is what it offers to load when there was a crash.

I am not aware of that script, though.

The script is very simple:

DoCommand "SaveFile"

It’s in all my projects and is called before building.

[quote=198982:@Beatrix Willius]The script is very simple:

DoCommand "SaveFile"

It’s in all my projects and is called before building.[/quote]

Fine. That does the same as cmd-S or ctrl-S.

So what you do is add it to your project so it executes upon run, right ?

@Michel: yes, so that I don’t ever forget to do this.

Good move.

[quote=198977:@Michel Bujardet]Actually, Xojo does save the running copy as default at each save, as far as I understand a post from Norman. That is what it offers to load when there was a crash.

I am not aware of that script, though.[/quote]
But the saved project (if you wany to keep the changes) lost the original creation date.

Better lose the creation date than the entire project :wink: