I am stumped. Xojo SerialController connects OK to my device’s virtual serial port on windows (its a microcontroller that uses mbed USBSerial to establish a virtual serial port)
It also sends data ok to the device
The device both sends and receives correctly on PuTTY and CoolTerm (which I understand was made with Xojo)
But no matter what I try (XON, DTR on off, RTS on off, polling SerialPort.poll with a timer, DataAvailable etc etc) the BytesAvailable coming IN to the Xojo app refuses to go above zero. DataAvailable event is never firing - and this project is a copy of the Serial barcode reader, so by all rights it should.
I am totally stumped why this thing does not work. If I saw the source code of CoolTerm, I could probably figure it out, but since the source is not available, well…
Please give some ideas why a virtual serial port is not firing the data available on a Xojo program. I have tried everything and am at a total loss why it won’t work. Any ideas appreciated.
I used Eltima Virtual serial port to create 2 COM ports and a null modem cable. The other end I put into the Xojo application and the other end to PuTTY
And it works. So the Xojo code is somewhat OK as well.
I have programmed tens of different serial implementations, both hw and software.
But Xojo has me beat. There is no way to diagnose how it reads the virtual serial port. How is available data detected? Beats me.