Video tutorials

Video Tutorials

By chance I saw an interesting HD-video tutorial from our German evangelist @Ulrich Bogun . What impressed me was the way Ulrich teaches, close to perfect. Especially for newbies with Xojo his video’s are very valuable since you learn the principles in relation to the implementation within Xojo (new framework) . I’ve passed a link to someone who is very motivated to become a developer and I he was so happy because he could immediately follow and play himself. This is hands on with the basics and we see how important it is to have some evangelists like @Ulrich Bogun and @Paul Lefebvre to have more and more developers seeing the glance of Xojo.
I suggested Ulrich to consider making these tutorials in English too, so he would reach even more audience . As a Dutch I was able to follow the German pronunciation very well.

Ulrich has a lot of videos (all in German), you can find them here:

From the general Playlist page ( you can find lists for videos in other languages including: Italian, French, Spanish, Japanese and Portuguese

I completely agree with Joost. It’s interesting because I had just sent a message to Ulrich to say the same thing. Between my (very) rusty German, knowledge of Xojo and the video I could understand everything very easily.

@Alyssa - Ulrich has a very clear, pleasant voice - great for voiceovers - you should hire him. :wink:

He is our German Developer Evangelist! :slight_smile: He is awesome!

Please stop tickling my ego, it’s not good for my health. Just when I wanted to take a new selfie for the autograph cards I am preparing, I noticed my old tooth problem came alive again and I look like me on the right side and like me at the age of 2 on the left side now.

Seriously: Thanks a lot for your compliments. It’s funny I personally am not really satisfied with my video performance, except maybe most parts of the newest one. If you don’t notice that much and can enjoy them mostly, I think it’s because we are constantly inspiring each other. I could never do live videos like Paul; I tend to forget each basic principle instantaneously in such a situation. So I mostly take his videos and build a few slides around them which you couldn’t do well in a live situation. And then along comes Geoff with brilliant video editing and unobtrusive background music. Not to forget the other evangelists …

For me, being a Klugscheißer at heart, it’s great to know I can play around and still do more or less valuable things :wink: Like Dana said I try to be the German evangelist and, being no native English speaker, I gladly leave this task where it belongs. Or, with the words of our very talented minister for development:

Your Xojo Chip’n’Dale for Germany

I did, over a year ago! He’s a great asset to the Xojo community! He’s also a rockin’ guitar player and shares my love of vegetarian cooking.

Nice we have something in common beside Xojo.

@Joost Rongen and @Ulrich Bogun we should start an off topic thread and share some recipes! I know Ulrich has some good ones and I’m always looking for new ideas. My tomatoes are just ripening and in about a week I’ll have to figure out something to do with them!

Vegetarian ? bah !

you can do sun blushed tomato… roast the half cut tomato in the baking pan… put some olive oil and some herbs and salt and bake at 140c for 2 hours…

Now I have to ignore this thread :stuck_out_tongue:

I am sorry I have to correct you, Alyssa, but we certainly share the love of vegetarian eating. Cooking is something I gladly leave to my Dana, and of course most of the cook books I am creating for one of my customers – a vegan publisher – are German only. But I’ll certainly find some great tomato recipes.

Dana was very busy harvesting loads of her organic vegetables and I love her Zucchini flans. And the vegetable pies. And just putting fresh greenies in a steamer (is that the right term? Too lazy too look up, it’s probably the hottest day of the year today) and then with a bit of butter or good oil – yummy!

And for Norman, in case he likes to read German:üse-Heinz-Strunk/dp/3499237113%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAILSHYYTFIVPWUY6Q%26tag%3Dduc02-21%26linkCode%3Dxm2%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3D3499237113

(meat is my vegetables) :smiley:

Tim got it right here