UX Is For Everybody

Do I have to register for your site to buy something, etc? Then don’t make me freaking GUESS at what your password requirements are. If you have some, then show me what you need before I put in one that I know is strong and hit the Register button…

…only to have it come back and tell me I need a numeral. Or a capital letter. Or some other made up requirement that you NOW tell me about.

The user experience for your product or service starts before your potential customer ever gets it. Don’t make me think you suck before I even pay you.


While I don’t know where this came from, I would have to agree with everything you say.

Im with Wayne.
While we are on the subject:

WHY 'Do I have to register for your site to buy something’

Here’s my money, here’s my address. Ship it.

And my other favourite, along Jay’s lines…
I got something wrong? Why did you CLEAR ALL THE FIELDS??


I got something wrong ? why don’t you show any hint on what is wrong so I can validate the whole page ?

tested live yesterday …