Url name in session

Not sure if I can explain this very well but hear goes!

I want to have two sub domains sub1.mydomain.com and sub2.mydomain.com

both will have the same landing page but dependant on whether its sub1 or sub2 I want to display a deferent set of generic data based on the sub1 or sub2 using a single db filtered base on landing page

After getting to this point users can login to see more specific data which is straight forward enough.

simplified version of data I want to display

sub 1 (for manager1) to display


1 jan
2 jan
8 jan
9 Jan
jan1 P1,P2,P3
jan2 P4,P1,P2
jan8 P1,P2,P3
jan9 P4,P1,P2

sub 2 (for manager2) to display


1 jan
3 jan
8 jan
10 Jan

jan1 P1,P2,P3,P4
jan3 P4,P1,P2,P3
jan8 P1,P2,P3,P5
jan10 P4,P1,P2,P6

I don’t want a login at this point just whoever lands there can see the basics (no names and formatted correctly of course)

can set up the subdomains ok but unsure how to get xojo to identify which landing page it is.

its basically microsite for each manager and filtered on single db, if there is a better way altogether I’m open to any (positive) ideas, help or suggestions are always welcome.

thanks in advance

Check the Host header to see which domain the user requested.

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