When upgrading, I got ‘…’ at the end of the text (this is for Alex Restrepo custom tab system). Also, the graphics performance seems to have got worse rather than better. It renders really slow.
When upgrading, I got ‘…’ at the end of the text (this is for Alex Restrepo custom tab system). Also, the graphics performance seems to have got worse rather than better. It renders really slow.
Did you read the release notes?
The graphics engine in 2016r4 is completely different on Windows.
If you’re using that ancient custom tabs control, it uses the removed NewPicture functions, that one’s an easy fix.
I thought your game engine was using one of those HTML 5 engines anyway?
Oliver, if you followed the forum, you would have read that indeed, since the inception of Direct2D in Windows, there has been some rough edges. For the time being, I went back to 2016R3.
Ok but I made that change already thanks. There is Xojo side to the engine too, not just HTML5.
And thanks Michel, I will stick with older one for now. I saw there was a change in the release notes but I was wondering if there was any quick fix.
You should evaluate your drawing code in 2016r4 because Direct2D isn’t going away.
If it’s slow because your code is inefficient, fix it.
If it’s slow because something changed in Xojo file a bug report, otherwise nothing gets fixed.
[quote=314176:@Tim Parnell]You should evaluate your drawing code in 2016r4 because Direct2D isn’t going away.
If it’s slow because your code is inefficient, fix it.
If it’s slow because something changed in Xojo file a bug report, otherwise nothing gets fixed.[/quote]