Unix -like Windows

I had an odd thought that some of the ‘big brains’ here might like to correct or clarify.
If OSX is considered to be a ‘Unix-like’ OS, then a Xojo app could be considered a Unix-like front end or user interface when it is running either a console or desktop app. Would this mean that a Xojo compiled app running on Windows would make a Windows PC, Unix-like or have I just been taking too much cough syrup?

Too much cough syrup… :wink:

Wow - that cough syrup must be strong stuff :wink:

[quote=167934:@chris benton]I had an odd thought that some of the ‘big brains’ here might like to correct or clarify.
If OSX is considered to be a ‘Unix-like’ OS, then a Xojo app could be considered a Unix-like front end or user interface when it is running either a console or desktop app. Would this mean that a Xojo compiled app running on Windows would make a Windows PC, Unix-like or have I just been taking too much cough syrup?[/quote]

Too much Nyquil indeed.

OS X is not “Unix like”. It is an OS based on a true FreeBSD and NetBSD Unix, that uses a Mac OS GUI and API. If you will, the engine is Unix, the rest of the car is Mac OS X (pun intended, with recent news at Apple).

Xojo is a Mac OS X application which talks to the framework to create the GUI and methods. It may sometimes need to talk to the underlying Unix for certain things, I don’t know, like your app may sometimes directly use Unix commands through a shell, but still, this is done through the Mac OS X system. At last as far as I know.

On Windows, Xojo is a 100% Windows application that talks to the Win32 API to run, and builds apps based on the same principle. There is absolutely no Unix involved at that point.

Actually Mac OS X is a certified posix compatiable UNIX and has been sine 10.6.

It is even better :slight_smile:

Here it is…


Back to the topic… Most modern apps are built nowadays by linking them to the underlying system APIs/libraries/frameworks for common operations (so that developers don’t need to reinvent the wheel and can focus on what makes their apps “special”). Writing Angry Birds in Assembly sounds fun but not productive… :wink:

Xojo in a way allows for the same thing but that’s a step further which is to abstract the platform you are developing for by providing a common way to write, compile and link your code to a set of libraries that have been made available across platforms supporting most common OS functions.

If Operating Systems were airplanes and the Xojo IDE was the flying school, then Xojo as a whole (IDE, compiler, language, APIs, libraries etc) would be the thing that would allow different pilots from that same flying school (the compiled apps) to fly a Cessna, a Boeing or an Airbus.

Where can I get some?

IIRC you can run Unix applications on OS X, for a long time X-Windows was included. It made OS X much more approachable for those that want/need to use Unix while still wanting to have a regular 'puter.