At drop time, I add dynamically the name of the dropped files in a Menu (Recents *)
To achive that, I added a Class that I called RecentsMI, with MenuItem as Super.
I add the Action Event and put the code below:
[code]// Get the dropped file name
muName = RecentFI.DisplayName
// Set the Name and Text properties of the MenuItem
RecentMU.Name = muName
RecentMU.Text = muName
// Store the FolderItem Reference into the MenuItem Tag
RecentMU.Tag = RecentFI
// Append the MenuItem for the dropped file
RecentsMenu.Append RecentMU
// And enable the newly added MenuItem
RecentMU.Enabled = True[/code]
I tried to enable the MenuItems here or there, but to no available
BTW: I dropped two items into the window and the code really adds two Menuitem entries into my Recents Menu.
I also make a search (on my Hard Disks) for Recent (returns also Recents), but nothing was found. (Finder Search does not search inside Xojo files [projects])
MenuItem entry in the docs was of no help (or I do not know where to search.
The OpenRecentMenu was created at the time of Mathusalems father (or Line Renaud first phonograph cylinder record). So, no help from there.
I am once again walking beside my shoes
At this point, I am asking you for help.
- Yes, I choosed to use a Menu and not a sub-menu in the File Menu.