Typeahead Multi Line Textbox

I am looking for a plugin or code that will allow me to create a textbox that has typeahead features when the user presses certain keys eg # @ $ in the same way you see on Twitter and other social media sites where a popup is shown to select a user or project or group etc. It needs to work in the desktop across Windows and Mac. It also needs to be able to provide a list of tags that were used from the popup.

If this is not available, could people PM me so we can have a conversation for custom development.



Probably what you want or you can show a container control

This is the type of thing I am looking for but in a desktop rather than a web solution.

Example Video

[quote=437401:@Nathan Wright]This is the type of thing I am looking for but in a desktop rather than a web solution.

Example Video[/quote]

Seems relatively straightforward using contextual menus.

Found something: http://www.mothsoftware.com/downloads/FilterControl.zip . The code is not my own. The ZirconKit may be an indication that the code is from Thom McGrath.

In TextArea:

[code]Sub TextChange() Handles TextChange
Dim LastTypedCharacter As String

LastTypedCharacter = Right(TextArea1.Text,1)

Select Case LastTypedCharacter
Case “#”
'check if menu is already there
'IsContextMenuShown = Window property

If Not IsContextMenuShown Then
IsContextMenuShown = True

  Dim base As New MenuItem
  // Add some items
  base.Append( New MenuItem("Project Strawberry"))
  base.Append( New MenuItem("Project Salami"))
  base.Append( New MenuItem("Project Pinguin"))
  Dim hitItem As MenuItem
  hitItem = base.PopUp 
  'You could give desired X and Y coordinates as parameter here, but is difficult to obtain (base.Popup(123,237))
  IsContextMenuShown = False
  TextArea1.Text = TextArea1.Text + hitItem.Text
End If

Case “@”
If Not IsContextMenuShown Then
IsContextMenuShown = True
Dim base As New MenuItem
// Add some items
base.Append( New MenuItem(“User Tom”))
base.Append( New MenuItem(“User Hank”))
base.Append( New MenuItem(“User Dililah”))

  Dim hitItem As MenuItem
  hitItem = base.PopUp
  IsContextMenuShown = False
  TextArea1.Text = TextArea1.Text + hitItem.Text
End If

End Select

End Sub

The X,Y parameters should indicate the position of the contextual menu but I could’t figure out how to get these. Now the popup appears where the mouse is…

make the above simpler

Sub TextChange()Handles TextChange
  Dim LastTypedCharacter As String = Right(TextArea1.Text, 1)
  If Not IsContextMenuShown Then
    IsContextMenuShown = True
    Dim base As New MenuItem
    Select Case LastTypedCharacter
    Case "#" 
      base.Append( New MenuItem("Project Strawberry"))
      base.Append( New MenuItem("Project Salami"))
      base.Append(New MenuItem("Project Pinguin"))
    Case "@"
      base.Append( New MenuItem("User Tom"))
      base.Append( New MenuItem("User Hank"))
      base.Append(New MenuItem("User Dililah"))
    End Select
    Dim hitItem As MenuItem
    hitItem = base.PopUp
    IsContextMenuShown = False
    If hitItem <> Nil Then TextArea1.Text = TextArea1.Text + hitItem.Text
  End If
End Sub

FYI… The end result is a lot more complex, although the above code snippets show a proof of concept.
His requirements are that the hotkeys and associated lists NOT be hardcoded, and the the menu contains option images.

I have created a custom control that meets all of his requirements… if I can just get a stable method to locate the XY of the SELSTART on the screen. It works until you scroll :frowning:

this is the code i have in my custom textarea control. i have 2 field in the share db called TypeAheadHashSign and TypeAheadAtSign and user can enter the list of string in a preference screen. what i also do is remove the @ or the # after selecting the text

If TypeAheadYN Then
  // TypeAheadYN??
  Dim LastTypedCharacter As String
  LastTypedCharacter = Right(Text, 1)
  Dim vMC As String
  Select Case LastTypedCharacter
  Case "#" 
    vMC = sdictShare.value("TypeAheadHashSign").Textvalue
  Case "@"
    vMC = sdictShare.value("TypeAheadAtSign").Textvalue
  End Select
  If LEN(vMC) <> 0 Then
    Dim base As New MenuItem
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim vCnt As Integer
    Dim vMCLine() As String
    Dim aLine As String
    vMC = REPLACEALL(vMC, EndOfLine.Windows, "|")
    vMC = REPLACEALL(vMC, EndOfLine.Macintosh, "|")
    vMC = REPLACEALL(vMC, EndOfLine.UNIX, "|")
    vMCLine = Split(vMC, "|")
    vCnt = ubound(vMCLine)
    For i = 0 To vCnt
      aLine = Trim(vMCLine(i))
      base.Append(New MenuItem(aLine))
    Dim hitItem As MenuItem
    hitItem = base.PopUp
    If hititem <> Nil Then Text = left(Text, LEN(Text) - 1) + hitItem.Text
  End If
End If

Thanks everyone for your help. I have asked @Dave S to write a custom control for me.