I’m trying to run a remote debugger session with a arm console app. Any ideas why it’s not working?
[code]ServerSocket1 is Listening on 192.168.X.XX:44553
04:16:10 PM: Connection established
04:16:10 PM: Stub<-IDE HELLO, 19.2.1a0, Protocol: 6, Local IP: 192.168.X.XX
04:16:10 PM: Using protocol version 6
04:16:10 PM: IDE Version supported
04:16:10 PM: Stub->IDE OLLEH, 1.9.057, 6, Remote Address: 192.168.X.YY
04:16:12 PM: Stub->IDE PLATFORM-RESPONSE, Linux, ARM, ELF, Linux 4.19.62-sunxi Debian GNU/Linux 10
04:22:18 PM: Stub<-IDE CREATEFILE, DebugMyApplication.tar.gz, Relative path: True,
04:22:18 PM: Stub->IDE CHALLENGE, 123EBF 192.168.X.XX 192.168.X.YY
04:22:18 PM: Waiting for RESPONSE
04:22:18 PM: Connection closed
04:22:18 PM: Connection closed
04:22:18 PM: Got a RESPONSE packet, about to decrypt
04:22:18 PM: Response caused an exception, terminating now
04:22:18 PM: Challenge/Response failed
04:22:18 PM: Stub->IDE SOS, Could not create file or folder: