Translating an RSA Public Key From Non-Xojo Program

I’ve been asking some questions about handling RSA encryption on Xojo and I thank everyone who has helped me!

I managed to get communication to work where the Xojo public key is sent to the remote system, and that remote system can encrypt with that key and send it back to the Xojo program where it can be read. Half the battle is won, it seems.

Now I’m trying to get the public key from the non-Xojo program to transfer to the Xojo program, and have it translate the key for use in encrypting messages to send back to the non-Xojo program.

As it stands, when I try encrypting a string with

EncryptedMsg = Crypto.RSAEncrypt(TextFieldInput.Value, ModEncrypt.RemotePubKey)

…I get “BER decode error 1”

I suspect it’s something in the format of the generated key sent to the Xojo program. In Go, it’s generated using:

[code]pubASN1, _ := x509.MarshalPKIXPublicKey(keyPublic)

btBytes := pem.EncodeToMemory(
		Type:  "RSA PUBLIC KEY",
		Bytes: pubASN1,

When sent to the client (Xojo) program, this is a sample public key generated:

[quote]-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----
-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----[/quote]

Is what’s happening something with the Go program generating a key with DER when Xojo wants BER? Does anyone see something that stands out in the generation of the key sent to Xojo that the basic Crypto.RSAEncrypt() isn’t able to properly translate?

Take a look at my PEM* methods in for some inspiration.

I don’t know if it would be of help with your case, but I published an article about RSA interchange between Xojo and PHP time ago here.