I’m wondering why ChatGPT or other ML models cannot be trained by just providing a link to the documentation? Any plugin for ChatGPT planned?
Try this. Very cool !!!
I get good results from Bard. I dont know if its been trained or not but i find it more useful than gpt
@ZAC_WINGFIELD , you have good reaults using Bart (the propietary application) or you code in xojo using Bart’s APIs ?
If it was the aecond, could you please share your main generic basic code to this community ?
Oh sorry i should have been clearer. I use to help me correct my syntax as im learning.
Anyone had already codeed using Bart’s APIs and want to share results and basic code ?
It would be nice to have something as an starting point for ddeveloping something similar to the class I shared in this post yesterday
Judge by yourself with this screen shot:
What Xojo IDE think about that code:
Not ready for prime nor for newbies.
@zac: better use the documentation even if i saw far better documentation in the past… from Apple (AppleSoft BASIC documentation as an example).
A last one to rotf:
Creating a Panorama software with Xojo
Creating a Panorama software with Xojo is a relatively straightforward process. Here are the basic steps involved:
- Create a new Xojo project.
- Add a Panorama control to your form.
- Configure the Panorama control.
- Add images to the Panorama control.
- Add code to handle events from the Panorama control.
Doh ! my Xojo do not have a Panorama Control available !
yeah, on my trial, ChatGPT is still the best. Bing is very lazy trying to avoid providing code.
I sometimes ask GPT to provide C# code, as it’s better at that and the syntax is similar to Xojo’s.
In any case, my main usage (apart from regex, at which it’s pretty darned good) is just to “point me in the right direction” on how to implement something, for example a recursive function to convert xml to json. Once I have the idea, writing the correct Xojo code myself is not difficult - I don’t need perfect, ready-to-use code for it to be useful.
I have found chat GPT useful in describing the steps needed to achieve a result. In short, helps to get the steps right. The key seems to be to ask it to proceed ‘step by step’ while providing comments. The actual code generated needs some work, as it is based on older versions of Xojo. There are some downloadable versions of large language models → e.g. GPT4all(GPT4All)). This will allow one to have a local version of this technology. It seems capable of being trained, but I am still trying to figure out the best way to do this. I think it ma be possible to get it to read the alter Xojo docs and incorporate them into its knowledge base.
Maybe this could help: Train ChatGPT with custom data and create your own chat bot using MacOS | by Sohaib Shaheen | Medium
If anyone has some starter code and/or would like to collab to get some OpenAI training done, please DM me.