Tomorrow is a day

Am I the only one getting confused by the plethora of “Tomorrow is … day” threads?

Which one is true?

Well, tomorrow is a day, and unless you have a Hot Fudge Sunday for everyone here … I simply don’t care!

Actually, there’s some meaning behind it. In fact, “the company” devoted to “making official” (BTW there’s nothing official about it but we all just go along with it) is based in North Dakota out in the middle of nowhere (I guess near the Canadian border where Norman lives =)) by this one humble family guy.

He charges for it (like $3k arounds) and he has say over which day you get and has the authority to say if you get it or not. Larger companies do it for publicity, but also governments - state, local, federal - do it. The ND company not only gives you the “day” and the title but also administers the registry and does a bit of advertisement for you too.

So although Norman is being funny (ha ha), there’s some seriousness to it. Don’t knock it. =)

I’m not knocking it, I just want a Hot Fudge Sunday too … and if I don’t get one then what’s the point :frowning:

Not really confused, just… well, lets say I’ve been looking for a way to disable Off-Topic because of it…

What gets me is that by the time these announcements are made it is already tomorrow. And I missed Sundae day too:(

This is called humor. Okay, after some days the fun wore off mostly. And I asked Normal to do the announcement before the days starts.

I figure if we can have a 4000+ post thread about “anyways” a fe about “tomorrow is national WHATEVER” day …

But whatever …

Thats what the ignore button is for

@ As @Norman Palardy says get over it or ignore it. The rest of us are having fun :slight_smile:

Of course I’m wondering just who Beatrix asked because I haven’t seen many Normal ones here lately :slight_smile:


And, FWIW wayne, I’m not getting up at 4 am JUST to post “today is” or “tomorrow is” JUST so it still falls in your day

Live on the right side of the date line would you ?
Ummm … Get over it :stuck_out_tongue:

@Wayne Golding: I gave up a while ago. The fingers can’t do Norman. I want the n and out comes the l.

[quote=278920:@Norman Palardy]I figure if we can have a 4000+ post thread about “anyways” a fe about “tomorrow is national WHATEVER” day …

But whatever …

Thats what the ignore button is for[/quote]

Well I wouldn’t mind if it were just one thread about tracking tomorrow’s then I could ignore it as I have done with others. But do you really need a new thread for a similar topic every time it’s a new event?

The magician moves his left hand and do the trick while the audience looks to that hand ?