In the Config file for my app I have the usual THREAD_COUNT=10, is this a number we should leave alone?
Is the the number of concurrent clients our web app can handle for the CGI or is it more arbitrary?
I am just wondering as when my application goes live it will have 15 users, do I need to up the number in my config file ?
Thread_Count is no longer used. It’s a leftover from our attempt at FastCGI.
Oh dear, I had hoped it would cure my problem that in testing after a couple of hours my web app when in use by several users (Around 10 or so) seems to become unavailable with the message that the application is running but cannot be reached on port - 9189 (or similar)?
Killing the Windows Task for the App.exe seems to sort things, so I suspect it may just be a memory leak.
Thanks for your Quick Reply, I will just have to try and narrow the circumstances when the Web App “disappears”
Usually what we see which causes this in a web app is people creating hard references to WebSessions. If you have any properties of type WebSession, make sure you are using WeakRefs.
Is there an easy way for me to find such references?
I am not aware of having any properties of Type WebSession, but over time the Mem Usage in task manager keeps creeping up until at some point around 128,000 K it seems to cause this error.
I do use Taylor Designs WCC maybe that is causing it, I’ll send Daniel and email for his thoughts?
David - the WCC demo is memory stable on my server. I doubt the problem is there. Of course if you discover that there is a memory leak of any kind involving any of my controls, let me know immediately.
David - just sent this via email, but thought I would post it here as well for anyone else who reads this thread looking for help on a memory leak.
If you suspect a WebSession leak, have a server side Timer periodically log the session count. If it keeps growing and growing then sessions are being retained somewhere.
The Runtime object can also help you investigate memory leaks. Anything with a circular reference can lead to a leak, so don’t give up if session seems OK.