[quote=147563:@Emile Schwarz]This application has encountered a problem is the title of a “dialog” I get yesterday.
The two buttons Caption are: Report Now and Ignore.
Report Now is useless because I was not on internet and Feedback was not installed.
Ignore is also of no use because it loops to itself !
My only solution was to shutdown that windows 8.1 machine and reboot.
I hope the next Xojo release will not display this behaviour.
This is not a Xojo dialog, it’s from Windows. The only time I’ve seen this happen recently is when I get the app into a tight loop that doesn’t yield time to the system (like a thread with no Sleep intervals) or when debugging, if I leave it paused on a breakpoint for too long. Even a really long For…Next or While Loop can cause this. In the case of the latter, it’s a good time to consider using a Thread.
Are you writing messages to the system.debuglog? I’ve found that I can easily crash Xojo if I write too many messages too fast - like in a tight loop on Windows - don’t know if it’s a problem on other platforms.
[quote=147924:@Emile Schwarz]Wayne: no. It was at launch time, Xojo / project launch time.
Michel: it is Xojo own’s debug system. A click in the “Report Now” button try to launch Xojo’s own Feedback application.
Having an “Ignore” button that does not allows to get out of this bad mood is a bit “fort de café”, isn’t it ?
At last, we do not care why whe fall into the trap, but I do care about how to get off of it !!![/quote]
To exit any frozen app under Windows, equivalent to Mac Force-Quit :
Press Ctrl-Alt-Del (Ctrl-Alt-Supprime), wait a second or two until a menu displays
Select Task Manager (usually the last item)
if needed, click “More details” in the lower left corner of the task manager window
Select the task you want to end, and click “End Task” on the lower right corner.
Alternatively, you may right click on the task bar icon for the app and select “close window”, but it has less priority, so I think it may not work with your stuck dialog. The Task Manager works on most everything right away.
I think that I never fall into that trap on OS X. I had crashes (some, less than 10 a year not to say less than 5 a year), but I do not recall any loop-in-the-crash.
Do not get me wrong: OS X version is better, not far better, nor Rock solid, just a bit better. And my feeling is that the IDE is developed on Windows and checked if it works on OS X. Just a feeling.
To get into my feeling, add a property, put a name, tab, put a type, tab and you get in the Default value field, anotehr tab gets you in the object below (forgot its name), another tab place the cursor in the Navigator Find and a last one put the cursor in the Code Editor. On Windows, you can see that, but not in OS X. above,
Note: why that order ? I do not know. And I do not care. When I press tab on the last object in the right list of objects, I want to get the Cursoer in the Code Editor to put comments, why on Earth I want to make a search while doing (ending process) the Add a property ???
Last: if in my text above, some words or part of a sentence appears inside another paragraph: sorry, not my fault, that f… Windows moves my cursor all the time, ad nauseam
[quote=147928:@Emile Schwarz]add a property, put a name, tab, put a type, tab and you get in the Default value field, anotehr tab gets you in the object below (forgot its name), another tab place the cursor in the Navigator Find and a last one put the cursor in the Code Editor. On Windows, you can see that, but not in OS X. above,
Note: why that order ? I[/quote]
It’s a bug that will be fixed in the next version.