The Raspberry Pi Desktop x86 DVD

Hello all,
I received the above captioned DVD with this months editiojn of The MagPi magazine.
I am curious if anyone knows if this can be used as a test bed for Xojo? ie run Xojo compiled apps for ARM to run under this environment?


Maybe Xojo Inc could ask a few magazines to include Xojo on the DVDs?

I believe this is just Debian Linux with the Pixel Desktop Environment. And as your title suggests it’s x86 so you run Xojo apps, but they would need to be compiled for x86 Linux not arm.

If you are talking about compiling ARM Raspberry Pi apps and trying to run them on your regular PC then that’s getting into Virtual Machines or ARM emaulation.

I set up the x86 version of Raspbian in a VM last month and it ran Xojo fine: