The 80's called and they want linenumbering back

What’s the point of the new line-numbering feature? I’m an amateur here but this sounds like a throwback to the 80’s. What am I missing?

Have you used any other code editor, ever?

@Mark Jordan it gives a reference point for the code.
Line numbers arent something you can reference in the code.
Personally I like the line numbers and wish I could turn it on globally for all code.

I dunno. Here’s my programming history:

FutureBasic (Mac)

[quote=323683:@scott boss]@Mark Jordan it gives a reference point for the code.
Line numbers arent something you can reference in the code.
Personally I like the line numbers and wish I could turn it on globally for all code.[/quote]

Interesting. I’ll give it a whirl.

Here’s one use: If you’re doing a code review of some else’s code you may want to say “Hey, on line 48 you should do it this way instead.” You could always get that by moving the mouse cursor over the line, but seeing them in the gutter is more convenient and something a lot of people are familiar with.

Turning line numbers on does turn it on everywhere.

I use the LINE feature of PHP all the time. This inserts the line number literally in the code and is great when throwing exceptions like "Missing argument in line " + LINE
I’ll probably add a feedback note if it has been done already.

Okay, I’m getting it. for LINE

[quote=323690:@Paul Lefebvre] @scott boss Personally I like the line numbers and wish I could turn it on globally for all code.

Turning line numbers on does turn it on everywhere.[/quote]

hmm I have only played with 2107R1 a little. In the pre-release I had to keep turning it on as I floated around. I will check it out. It could be PEBCAK.

as reference its useful
other than that no real purpose
hence why it hasn’t been shown in any editor gutter for 20 years but has been available in the lower status area

Neat. My point was it’s a pretty standard feature in today’s development tools.

Not me! I like to open my httpd.conf file in VI and count lines with the cursor until I get to line 587 that the error log told me there was a misconfiguration. :stuck_out_tongue:

:stuck_out_tongue: actually I turn the line numbers on in VI

I work with teams of people. Asking someone to “look at line 53” of a method is easier than saying “find the line 3 down from the second nested-if where the car is assigned…”

i’ve done that for a long time
put your mouse over line of code and look at the status display at the bottom
thats been present since realbasic 1.0 (possibly before)

You can see how that’s much more mousing around than having a line number gutter though.

Xojo tends to assume you’re mouseketeer. After using Atom it takes me a bit to get back into Xojo’s mouse-centric IDE.

This also comes in handy when reading tutorials. They can direct you to a line number.

I’m no pro. I developed software for personal and professional needs. I fear my coding would look, to most of you here, very 1980’s. I had a hard time really dipping into OOP and still don’t get everything going on. It took me a long time just to understand how Classes work. And graphics. And printing.

I’m sort of like when you play HORSE with your grandpa and he shoots underhanded.

In tools where you have ONE file to hold 100% of the contents of an entire class (or possibly even more than one class) and you see it all at once line numbers are almost a requirement. But even the some IDE’s have made that requirement less relevant (Xcode does a decent job)

Xojo doesn’t work this way - never has
Hence line numbers have never really been required for the last 20 years (yes its been 20 years)
Anyone claiming line numbers area “requirement” has somehow managed to not require them for some portion of that 20 years using Xojo and predecessors.
If there’s a bug on line 65 and things wont compile - you click the error and you’re there
No need to hunt down line number 65 manually or even have to “Go To Line X”

Except for the cases when you need to say to someone “look at the code around line X” there’s almost no need to even need a aline number
And in those cases where you do there IS the status display - which tells you what line you have you cursor over (which can be different than the line the insertion point is on)

This is one feature I truly regret having implemented at this point