Using a TextField and its TextColor property, how do I code it for setting the default color when I hit a PushButton in the Action event?
TextField1.TextColor = &c000000
I want it to be the default color whether in Dark mode or Light mode. i.e. black when in Light mode and white when in Dark mode.
Its always a good idea to check the documentation, especially the see also bit at the end. Might help (no guarantees)
I put this in DefaultButton.Action
TextField1.TextColor = &c000000
When I run the program the TextField1 shows white for Dark mode and black for Light mode (see pics).
I have this in TextField1.Open
// Set properties when the TextField is initialized
Me.TextFont = "Courier"
Me.TextSize = 63
When I switch to R, G, or B it works and when I hit the Default button it switches to white in Dark mode and black in Light mode.
I was trying this in DefaultButton.Action which isn’t working…
//Set default color of TextField1
Dim result As Boolean
If result = IsDarkMode = True Then
//MsgBox("I am in Dark mode!")
TextField1.TextColor = &cFFFFFF ' switch to white
ElseIf result = IsDarkMode = False Then
//MsgBox("I am in Light mode!")
TextField1.TextColor = &c000000 ' switch to black
End If
You could just use the TextColor global.
TextField1.TextColor = TextColor
That did it, Anthony. Thank you. So close and yet so far. LOL
Kudos on the commenting but why do you use boolean = boolean = boolean and elseif???
Why do you not simply write
[code]If IsDarkMode Then // I am in Dark mode
TextField1.TextColor = &cFFFFFF ’ switch to white
Else // I am in Light mode
TextField1.TextColor = &c000000 ’ switch to black
End If[/code]
and with the use of the global TextColor you can even dispense of the if
else and simply do
TextField1.TextColor = TextColor
I guess I did not understand your problem, but since you are relying on textcolor, then why do you ever need to set it explicitly?
Switching to light/dark mode does the job automatically, does’nt it?
Unless the textfield gets a different textcolor (for instance textfield.1textcolor = somewhere else.