Text indents in MobileTextArea


Would like to know if anyone has set a text indent to a MobileTextArea?
Any suggestions would be awesome.


I think I have.

I’ll find the code later today.

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If you have iOSDesignExtensions in your app:

declare sub setTextContainerInset lib "UIKit" selector "setTextContainerInset:" (obj as ptr, value As ExtensionsXC.xcUIEdgeInsets)

Dim insets As ExtensionsXC.xcUIEdgeInsets
insets.Left = 20 //20pt indent
insets.Top = 4
insets.Right = 2
insets.Bottom = 2

setTextContainerInset(TextArea1.handle, insets) 

If you don’t have iOSDesignExtensions, add a Module named ExtensionsXC in your project and in that module add:

Protected Structure xcUIEdgeInsets
  Top as CGFloat
  Left As CGFloat
  Bottom As CGFloat
  Right As CGFloat
End Structure

TextArea at the top, no indent.
TextArea at the bottom, 20pt left indent


That’s great, perfect! Thanks for that Jeremie!