Text Area Margins?

Does anyone know how to automatically set a 50 pixel left and right margin in a Text Area?

I use Declares on OS X to do this, but have no idea how to do it for Windows.

Thank you all in advance.

Probably something like this (untested):

Declare Sub SendMessage Alias “SendMessageW” Lib “user32” (hwnd As Integer, msg As Integer, wparam As Integer, lparam as Integer)

const EM_SETMARGINS = &hD3
SendMessage(TextArea1.Handle, EM_SETMARGINS, EC_LEFTMARGIN + EC_RIGHTMARGIN, &h00320032)

Hi Richard,
Do you mind sharing the OSX code?

[quote=88121:@Lennox Jacob]Hi Richard,
Do you mind sharing the OSX code?

Richard seems more inclined in taking than sharing :confused:
See https://forum.xojo.com/11561-margin-in-a-textarea/0#p84975 where Thomas White generously gave him the OS X code he now keeps for himself.

Thanks Michel,

Michel - what exactly is your problem?
Why do you feel the need to continually insult others and me in particular?
Is it your way of making yourself superior?

[quote]Richard seems more inclined in taking than sharing :confused:
See https://forum.xojo.com/11561-margin-in-a-textarea/0#p84975 where Thomas White generously gave him the OS X code he now keeps for himself.[/quote]

Why on earth did you say the above quote? Keep it for myself? I did not even see the request from Lennox, otherwise I would have gladly helped him!

May I suggest that if you do not like certain posts from certain people - DO NOT READ THEM, and even better - DO NOT REPLY!

tsk tsk tsk. Selfish.

Thank you Wiliam - I will try that when I get the chance.