Temporary Properties Storage

Not a good title, but I do not think at a better one.

I am actually digitizing a Charity Association. Part of it are cardboard Folders for people they deal with.

That cardboard Folder is a 4 pages document and a kind of history log (*). For Page 1, I have three windows. I am at the very early stage:
a. only page 1 is complete (on screen),
b. the three windows (for Page 1) have actually only one “Navigation Bar” @ Page 1c (third window).
c. I can fill all three windows and store the data from them (or modify them), nothing in Windows 1a nor 1b.

Actually, nothing is done if the user close Window 1b without saving its contents and this is bad: user (me included) can close it without saving its contents.

I wanted to add something (**) that save all three windows contents (and other Paper pages too, later) somewhere, until the user click in Add Record or Modify (Update ?) Record, then it is cleared if the user click in one of the move buttons (First, Next, Previous or Last), then filled at the time the window will be populated with a new Record.

(*) I already implemented the history log and this is nice (I implemented a second .sqlite file called History.sqlite). I - and the client too - am happy with my implementation that went “alone” in a single afternoon and the debug was short in time and fine too.

(**) I am asking myself (and now you), what kind of something I may use:
a. A Module with one Property for each datum found in each window (something like Page1_First_Name, etc.) [44 Properties for Cardboard Folder Page 1)
b. A Class where I store the properties (and I do not have decided yet how to do that. [Far less Properties in each Class]

For readability, I think the use of a Class (or a set of Classes: one for each Window) to store the Properties is the way to go.
The Class name will be Page1_Window1a (or simply Window1a, Window1b, Window1c, Window2a… etc.
The properties names will be the one I use in the DB columns with a Prefix to avoid Collisions (if such a thing is possible) and be a clue to who’s the Property owner is (?).

BTW: Page 1 (the three Windows: 1a, 1b and 1c) have around 44 properties (doh !). The clearer the code is, the lesser an error can arise (IMHO).
I had hard time to simply code the Add a Record (in the DataBase), and I do not talk about the Data Base CREATE, UPDATE, and friends…

Your opinion/advice is welcome.

Now that I am thinking at this, I am surprised to not get a question from my beta tester about a window closed and data lost (potential data lost). Yes, now he cannot watch what was saved in the Data Base (but I can watch the db contents).