SyntaxArea.Editor adding definitions

Good morning

Using the SyntaxArea.Editor for my IDE project on macOS.

I use a control set to add new editors when a new file is opened or dropped.
But when I want to load the syntax definition of the file opened, no error is shown but also the definition has no effect.

Does this snippet makes sense:

Var edit as SyntaxArea.Editor = New CodeEditor

Var syntaxDefinition As SyntaxArea.HighlightDefinition
syntaxDefinition = New SyntaxArea.HighlightDefinition(CodeEditor(0))

If Not syntaxDefinition.LoadFromXml(SpecialFolder.Resource("Verilog.xml")) Then
  Raise New UnsupportedOperationException("Unable to load the Verilog definition")
End If

edit.Top = 44
edit.Left = 424
edit.Height = 584
edit.Width = 836
edit.Visible = True
edit.BackColor = Color.White
edit.DisplayGutter = True
edit.GutterBackColor = Color.LightGray
edit.Text = input.ReadAll
edit.SyntaxDefinition = syntaxDefinition

edit.Enabled = True
edit.Visible = True

My fault. Should be:

syntaxDefinition = New SyntaxArea.HighlightDefinition(edit)

Also forgot to load the theme JSON, which is required, but looks good now (o;