Any Xojo success stories? Please describe your job, salary and experience (for example your age, you started and amount of years you have been programming for). Any stories of big risks you took with failures or successes. Anybody really not have enough money from developing in Xojo?
Whether you are successful or failing to make a load of money from Xojo, please post your earnings here (you don’t need a success story).
Currently? I’m retired and programming for fun and personal use so $$$ from Xojo = $0.
Historical? I refuse to answer on the grounds that you’ll just be jealous.
You know those “Hello World” apps that everyone dreams of? Dale actually brought that to market and made a fortune to rival Gates, Jobs, and Boss. Critics and fans alike marveled about it was still more useful than Windows. (Oh no he didn’t!)
Oliver, I don’t think too many people will openly discuss salary or net earnings on an open forum. It is also considered bad form to have that kind of conversation in a business context.
We will put that one on account of your apparent young age.
Michael and Louis made their fortunes through their joint venture manufacturing keys for keyboards. Their specialty was the “!” key which really became a profit leader as texting! became!! so popular!!!
Publicly, denying his well-documented success in the “!” key industry, Michael ventured out on his own to form a fledgling startup, M-Bot, manufacturing friendly and green killer robots specifically designed for light housework and world domination. They go public soon… or else.
Well, that did not go so well. Why are people so bothered about an open discussion of salary. Is it because you do not want your customers to see you are making lots so they don’t pirate your software because they won’t care about damaging your salary. I did not think about that tbh. People seem to complain more than at least partially answering a question. Couldn’t you atleast give me an idea of what your salary is like and tell me about your business instead of ranting on at me.
[quote=52499:@Dale Arends]Currently? I’m retired and programming for fun and personal use so $$$ from Xojo = $0.
Historical? I refuse to answer on the grounds that you’ll just be jealous.[/quote]
Current - working for Xojo
Salary - none of anyones business
Historical - same - but also possibly jealousy inducing