Success on installing Xojo 2020 R1 on Mint 20

Hi pinguiners,
I though of posting about this succesfull instal for other Linux users facing problems with a previous Xojo versions…any details needed, just post here, I’ll share what I can…I’m not a guru though…not even a little one :upside_down_face:

Xojo Version installed : Version 2020 R. 1.

Distro: Linux Mint 20 Ulyana
Desktop: MATE 1.24.0

PC System: Kernel: 5.4.0-45-generic x86_64
bits: 64 compiler: gcc v: 9.3.0
wm: marco dm: LightDM
base: Ubuntu 20.04 focal

Everything seems to load and execute fine in this config.
Could load the Eddy electronic Sample from Xojo and it all work fine included the Map with own Mapbox Token. Nothing to say, speed is okay on my I.3 8GRam Mini PC.

Hope it serves… :penguin: :earth_americas:

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Present Xojo folder (picked up by xojo) durring instal is : /opt/xojo/xojo2020r1/Xojo
Browser used (if that matter at all ) : Brave Brower.

…noticing a slight latency increase while inputing values, after running myapp several time, which I get rid of with a reboot of the Xojo Editor.
…(Memory overloading ?) I might be missing an apropriate way to close the myapp test…
Still useable !

This is a well known issue on Linux and the performance gets far worse the more you edit. Copy and Paste are the primary memory leak source from what I’ve uncovered with strace. Once Xojo consumes more than 2.9GB or real memory, you’ll find it almost impossible to use. There are a number of Feedback reports on this issue in the sytsem.

As you have discovered, exiting and relaunching the IDE gets you back to normal operations for a few more hours of work.


wondering if the Xojo Team is lacking Manpower to solve…“long term” linux issues ?
…or its just a $$ matter !
:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :money_mouth_face:

maybe this could help in the debuging task …

The way that I understand the dilemma is that it’s both - Linux users appear to be the smallest user base by a good margin versus all of the other platform users, so justification of manpower assignment is balanced in such a way that Linux issues fall last in the planning evolutions.

But, it’s a self fulfilling prophecy since the Linux IDE performance stops users from using it, resulting in fewer active Linux users. If the performance was stable and some of the normally expected elements for a RAD tool were included and also stable, there would most likely be a larger Linux user base.


PureOS worked right out of the box for me as well, just unzip and click the app.

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:100: :ok_hand:t2: