Subclass label in IOS

A little confused on subclassing a label in IOS to create classes for different purposes.

When I create a subclass, I don’t get any of the properties I expected to see, such as the ability to assign a custom font. Am I missing something?

when you put an instance on a layout then click the gear icon in the inspector

Norman, any way to change the text alignment on a button?

I just tried " OK" to right justify, and "OK " to left justify. The trick is to make sure not to exceed the maximum width of the button otherwise the right justify may get off the area. In code, I would use Graphics.StringWidth to prevent that.

Not in the IDE
Buttons naturally align text centered
There may be a way via declares
But for a button it’s not “normal”

On the danger of sounding obtrusive: One of the few convenience modules that I’ve made already for iOSLib is the iOSButtonExtension. You won’t find the text alignment there but the titleLabel property which gives you access to the properties of the underlying UILabel. I just hope the upload is ok – my handling of the code via Dropbox and two computers and then hoping SourceCode gets everything right has proven to be a bit too optimistic.

Of course iOSLib is at :slight_smile:

Thanks, Michel! Was a bit late last night :wink: