
I have a string with 300 character and y have to divide in 75 so i can get 4 line off 75 character

so i can do this

use LEFT/RIGHT and MID functions

Dim s, s1 As String
s1 = Your_Original_String
For c As Integer = 0 to 3
s = s + Left(s1, 75) +EndOfLine
s1 = Right(s1, (Len(s1) - 75))

something like that may work


That’s the function I use:

[code]Function FormatInBlocks(DNA as string, NumberOfBlocksPerLine as integer, Blocksize as integer, BlockSeparator as string) As String
Dim m As MemoryBlock = DNA
Dim inpos As Integer = 0
Dim outpos As Integer = 0
Dim maxpos As Integer = m.Size - 1
Dim NumberOfBlocksInLine as integer = 0

dim OutputMB as new MemoryBlock( maxpos + Floor( (maxpos - 1) / Blocksize ) + 2 )

if maxpos = -1 then // empty string

return ""


for inpos = 0 to maxpos  // 0 1 2 3
  // is a block full?  inpos starts at 0 so need to check (inpos + 1) for Mod to work
  if (inpos + 1) Mod Blocksize = 0 then                // last position of block, so ...
    OutputMB.Byte( outpos ) = m.Byte( inpos )               // add the character
    outpos = outpos + 1                                                     // increase outpos
    NumberOfBlocksInLine = NumberOfBlocksInLine + 1     // increase the NumberOfBlocksInLine by one
    // do we have all blocks in the line?
    if NumberOfBlocksInLine = NumberOfBlocksPerLine then  // yes, so ...
      OutputMB.Byte( outpos ) = 13  // add return  ??? will this work on Windows? Might have to increase MemoryBlock ...
      NumberOfBlocksInLine = 0      // set NumberOfBlocksInLine back to 0
      OutputMB.Byte( outpos ) = Asc( BlockSeparator )  // add separator 
    end if
  else  // block is not full, so just add character
    OutputMB.Byte( outpos ) = m.Byte( inpos )
  end if
  outpos = outpos + 1        // go to next outpos

return OutputMB.StringValue( 0, outpos, Encodings.ASCII )

end if[/code]

This should do it! :slight_smile:

  Dim re As New RegEx
  Dim resultString as String
  Dim inputString as String // Your string with 300 chars.

  re.SearchPattern = ".{1,75}"
  re.ReplacementPattern = "$&\
  re.Options.ReplaceAllMatches = True
  resultString = re.Replace(inputString)

Tried it in RexExRX and it should result in this:


you just re-confirmed my faith in Regex… nice job!

RegEx is like VooDoo… It is magical and sometimes you just cant explain it.

Dave was right
left right & mid are more than adequate
regex is overkill
Like using a sledgehammer to crack peanuts

[quote=128973:@Norman Palardy]Dave was right
left right & mid are more than adequate
regex is overkill
Like using a sledgehammer to crack peanuts[/quote]
Heh, sledgehammer? Totally inefficient. We need something bigger for those peanuts. Just kidding :slight_smile:

I know Daves suggestion is enough. I only showed yet another way of achieving the same result :slight_smile:

I follow the Looney Tunes method of programming. If a sledgehammer is overkill - drop an anvil on it.

Alexis may need more than a simple mechanical cut to 75 characters. Usually, this kind of case rather calls for line wrap.

Considering he stated quite simply

[quote=128645:@Alexis Colon Lugo]Hi
I have a string with 300 character and y have to divide in 75 so i can get 4 line off 75 character
Would seem that anything else is simply supposition.
If he needs to split on word boundaries that WOULD be very different - but he didn’t ask for that.