Looks like you are doing copy/paste from PDF into another app/Xojo.
I guess you have done this before.
I don’t think is easy to reproduce.
You may need to provide a sample project and a sample PDF for others to test.
It seems that the copy process is adding line feeds before/after the underscore for some unknown reason.
I wan to clarify the thing:
I generated the pdf to (try to) avoid troubles making copy/paste from a project to a brand new one.
So, it was just an easier way to do the things.
I could have done a multiple copy/paste into a large TextEdit document.
And after all, it is just a two controls and a bunch of Methods & Functions, not a way to live.
At last, my (bad) experience allowed me to update a not so old version when I destroyed the current version by unluck.
And, I never ever had troubles prior yesterday.
After all, it is an easy way to compare code(s) with only one opened project (how do I do that some years ago ? Load the pdf and read).
Now, if the “print to pdf” feature is bugged, this is something else.
Please do keep in mind that copying Text from within a PDF does not simply do a text copy. Most PDF Readers also try a Unicode Conversion prior to the text copy and this may lead to a non-1:1 copy of what you can read on the screen to what your clipboard holds.