"Storing" structure for use in program later

And FWIW you might go through the tutorials and how to books included in the Documentation folder next to the Xojo application
There’s also an intro to programming book that might be useful

Or the other references on OO programming http://developer.xojo.com/object-oriented-programming

They cover a lot of the questions you’ll have

Thanks again - works great once created!

I’ll try to not ask any more silly questions and refer to the documentation more!

[quote=242266:@Norman Palardy]sharing code doesn’t require externals
esp if you have a compliant version control system (you DO use one right ???)

svn makes this decently easy with subprojects
vault made it ridiculously easy (its literally drag & drop in their windows UI)
git may (but I’m not a git guru)

and there are pros & cons to using externals

its easy to share code
EVERY project always has “the latest”

EVERY project always has “the latest” so IF you need to work on one project in 2013r3, one in 2014, one in 2015 then they may rely on things that dont exist in other versions. It can/could force you to use the same version across all projects which may or may not be feasible depending on your circumstances

that said I’d still use modules with classes & not structures
structures force you into a design pattern that is not very OO and that can have bigger implications than all the rest of this little missive[/quote]
is there any plan to be able to use classes in external modules ?
yes I understand structures are not OOP friendly,
but the fact that all my projects have the latest modules is more important to me
I use small structures sometimes when I need it
and sometimes I even use array of arrays that are even less OOP than structures !
one day if classes can be in external modules I may use them.
thanks for the explainations, brilliant as always.