Standalone Web App

Hi Masters!

Please help me.

I followed this tutorial >>

But when i checked my SERVICE MANAGER it is not starting. Upon clicking the START SERVICE button, it pop up an error below


Please help me on how to make this work.

This webinar may be helpful.

Hi Ronaldo,

I’m assuming you’re running this as a Windows Service? You have compiled the application as standalone for windows? How did you create the service registry key?

Hi Wayne,

have compiled the application as standalone for windows? - YES

How did you create the service registry key? - I use the “SC” command from windows
(sc create RSWebSvc type= own start= auto binpath= c:\Path\To\Exe\WebApp.exe"

OK try from the IDE using project->run paused - this will create your debug app without starting it. Then use sc to create a new registry entry for the debug article & start that service. You will then see the exceptions in the IDE. You’ll probably find you’re accessing a resource that is not available to the service.

Like a port already in use by another instance for example…